

Page history last edited by Aimee 9 years, 10 months ago

March 25, 2015

Job posting: Relief Librarian at Whitehorse Public Library



September 26, 2014


This just came in on the CLA listserv - posting it here in case anyone wants to talk to Rex Murphy!  Anna


"CBC’s Cross-Country Checkup is broadcasting this program ‘live’ on Sunday afternoon, September 28 from 4-6pm EST.  Here is more information:






Geraldine Hyland 
Member Services Manager

Canadian Library Association" 


January 21, 2014


Congratulations to Aimee Ellis on her recent Award of Excellence!

Premier's Awards of Excellence presented
Three individuals and four teams were recognized for their accomplishments

Premier Darrell Pasloski presented the 2013 Premier’s Awards of Excellence today in Whitehorse. The awards recognize the outstanding achievements of Yukon government employees and celebrate their talent and teamwork.

The individual recipients are Aimee Ellis, Janet Mann, John Russell and Bill Stanley. The team recipients are employees from the Children’s Assessment and Treatment Services unit, the George Black Ferry crew and the Operation Nanook team.

Winners are chosen by the Premier’s Awards of Excellence Selection Committee, which includes YG employees from several departments across government and a community representative.

For more information and the complete list of nominees, visit http://www.psc.gov.yk.ca/employeescurrent/premiers_award.html.


This global note is sent on behalf of the Premier’s Award of Excellence Selection Committee. 

Find out more about Global Notes.





January 14, 2014


I would like to attend a couple of these CLA webinars - anyone interested in making more interesting and taking some with me? 




Email me at cutting.n.pasting@gmail.com or find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sarah.gallagher2




March 6, 2013


Invitation to participate in a study on Your Experience in Digital Environments


Are you a professional, academic, or graduate student who frequently searches for and monitors information relating to your work or area of research? We are interested in your perceptions of the digital environments (e.g., websites, intranets) that you use and how these perceptions may be related to your personality traits and work environment.


Please take approximately 15 minutes of your time to respond to our survey.

You will have the chance to enter your name in a draw for one of twenty $20 gift certificates for Amazon.ca.




The study started February 13th, 2013 and will continue until the target number of 300-400 participants is met and may be completed at your convenience. This survey is part of Lori McCay-Peet's Ph.D. research at Dalhousie University that is investigating individuals' experiences in digital environments. This research will help in the development of better digital environments.


Your participation in this study is voluntary and will be kept confidential. You may withdraw at any time.


If you have any questions, please contact Lori McCay-Peet at Dalhousie

  University: mccay@dal.ca


Lori McCay-Peet (MLIS)

PhD Candidate, Interdisciplinary Studies, Dalhousie University Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada



Dr. Bertrum MacDonald

School of Information Management, Dalhousie University Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada


Dr. Elaine G. Toms

Information School, The University of Sheffield Sheffield, United Kingdom



May 6, 2012


Re: Yukon Librarians and Archivists' position on Library and Archives Canada Situation


I'd like to initiate a response from Yukon Librarians and Archivists on the recent cuts at LAC. I can draft a letter and then open it up for revision, or if anyone has a particular letter that they have seen that we can use as a starting template, please pass it on! My first inclination is to present a letter to MLAs, MP and of course to Ottawa, along with any other personal stories on how services from LAC impact our work regularly, and how diminished service will impact us: personal anecdotes, etc. Other ideas and help gladly accepted. Let's get this going!


If anyone has already started this process, of course let me know how I can help and let's make sure everyone is involved who wants to be.


Sarah Gallagher

Library Assistant, Yukon Archives

Research and Client Services Librarian, EMR Library






February 2, 2012


A quick note from Aimee at OLA: The OLA has created the water bottles pictured below and will sell them at cost to any interested libraries or library associations. Cost is approx $2.60 each plus shipping for 50+ (can be mix of the prints). They're not listed yet on the OLA online store but you can contact Suzanne Wice (swice@accessola.com) or by phone 416-363-3388 ext 228 for more information.


January 30, 2012


Just a quick note to say that Aimee is unexpectedly in Ontario, and will be attending "The Partnership" meeting on Tuesday January 31st and the OLA Conference from February 2-4th. Thanks Aimee for being our YLA representative!


May 18, 2011


Peace Library System is coordinating efforts to help the Rotary Club of Slave Lake Public Library begin rebuilding. We have had calls from as far away as Toronto, so we know that people outside of Alberta want to help!


Rebuilding the Slave Lake Library – one Donation at a Time 


The public library in the Town of Slave Lake was completely destroyed on Sunday, May 15, as a result of a huge forest fire.   The beautiful new Rotary Club of Slave Lake Public Library had just opened in 2010. 


About forty per cent of the Town is gone and support for those who lost their homes and possessions is pouring in via the Red Cross and other organizations.  Support for the library is also pouring in.  Libraries, bookstores, publishers and other library-related organizations have been in touch with Peace Library System to see how they can help the library rebuild.  Here’s what you can do:


Donations of new or nearly new books (no more than two years old) can be shipped to Peace Library System headquarters where they will be catalogued, processed and stored until a temporary library opens in Slave Lake.  Please ship prepaid to:


Peace Library System

8301 – 110 Street

Grande Prairie, AB  T8W 6T2


ATTN: Books for Slave Lake Library


Cash donations can be made by going to the library’s web page at www.slavelakelibrary.ab.ca and clicking on the “Make a Donation” link.


The Slave Lake Library and Peace Library System thank all who make a contribution to rebuilding the library.


For additional information, please contact Carol Downing, Assistant Director, at cdowning@peacelibrarysystem.ab.ca.




Linda Duplessis, Director
Peace Library System
8301 - 110 Street,
Grande Prairie, AB  T8W 6T2

Phone: (780) 538-4656
Fax: (780) 539-5285


Partnering With Libraries Since 1986




March 21, 2011


2011 CLA Salary Survey


Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to complete the 2011 Salary Survey:



We encourage you to complete the survey by the due date April 4, 2011. The higher the response rate, the better the final product will be in accurately portraying the benefits and remuneration of the members of the Canadian library and information management community.

All information provided will be held in confidence and reported in such a way that no individual can be identified. The survey tool being used, FluidSurveys, is a Canadian company with all data servers hosted in Canada.

The results of the Survey will be available in May 2011.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to caslis.govlib@gmail.com

Please feel free to forward this invitation to your colleagues in the Canadian library and information management community.

Note: Although the 2011 Salary Survey is sponsored by the CLA-CASLIS Government Section, all librarians, library technicians, archivists, records managers and information management professionals in Canada are encouraged to contribute.




November 26, 2010

I am forwarding an email that I received from a person who was searching our wiki and passed on a link to a very comprehensive library job board and a listing of online schools.



My name is Lauren Jackson and I wanted to provide feedback on your page, <[target url]>. I'm not sure if you're the right person to contact, but I wanted to tell you that since I have been working on creating some new library and information science job resources, your page was a great source of information.

As a thank you, I thought I would pass along this additional resource I have been using as well in case you were looking to add more to your page. I have been using material from this page, http://www.guidetoonlineschools.com/library/library-is-job-boards. It has a ton of great information science and library job resources that you and your users may find useful!

Thanks Again :)


October 22, 2010


You are cordially invited to join us at Giorgio's for dinner with Ulla de Stricker on Wednesday October 27th at 6 pm.

Please RSVP by phone (667-3111) or by emailing emrlibrary@gov.yk.ca.


October 21, 2010


CLA Future Plan:

  • A discussion item at the August Partnership meeting which I attended was the situation that the Canadian Library Association is in as membership numbers have decreased and revenue has dropped.  Kelly Moore, Executive Director of CLA spoke at the meeting and asked for input for CLA's future plan that was being drafted in September.  The Partnership members did some brainstorming about what we saw as the role(s) that CLA should have.  



  • I apologize for the late notice but if you have a chance to peruse this document, we could discuss it this evening at the YLA meeting and if/how the Yukon Library Association can support CLA.   


September 16, 2010

Next YLA Meeting: 

Our last social gathering was in August at breakfast, and our last meeting was in April (minutes at YLA Minutes 2010 April.doc ), when we tentatively scheduled our next meeting for the Fall, but with no host library.  We do have a couple of things that we should meet to talk about, such as:

  • The Partnership meeting (Janet Clarke attended as YLA Rep)
  • NWTLA's request for working with them and Nunavut (see below for details) 


Would anyone/library like to take on organizing and hosting this meeting?  


NWTLA request

The NWTLA is exploring various professional development opportunities for its members.  Of course the budget is limited, so we want to make the most out of what we have.   Majority of our members would like to have access to library e-journals.  However, as you know databases are very expensive and with our current budget this idea can’t go any further.  So my question is whether the Yukon Library Association has any budget and would be interested in collaborating for an electronic database subscription!?  If there is enough interest from the Yukon and Nunavut library associations, than we might have an opportunity for a northern/arctic consortium.


Reminder: Guest speaker, Ulla de Stricker, will be here in just over one month! See CLA-CASLIS for more details!




Yukon Library Association – Breakfast Social


When:  August 12, 2010  7:30 a.m.


Where:  Baked Café – bottom of Main Street


  • Guest and possible future YLA member Anna Krangle-Long who is working towards her MLIS at UBC will join us and tell us about a paper she wrote on health librarianship in the Yukon and join in the roundtable and tell us all about being at library school in 2010.


  • A good time to catch up (roundtable) with colleagues and maybe meet some new ones.





Upcoming event: Esteemed librarian Ulla de Stricker will be presenting a workshop here in Whitehorse on October 27th


For more details, go to: CLA-CASLIS






Hi, all,


FYI, was asked to pass this on.


Thanks, Julie Ourom


Hello library colleagues, I encourage you to fill out the following survey for cultural workers; it will be open till the end of April. We fall into the Heritage (Libraries, Archives, Museums) piece of the cultural sector. You can fill out the survey as an individual worker and I encourage library organizations to submit on behalf of their organization as well (employers in the cultural sector). In some part, this survey updates the basic data that was collected in the 8Rs study The Future of Human Resources in Canadian Libraries (




http://www.ls.ualberta.ca/8rs/reports.html <https://webmail.library.ualberta.ca/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=https://webmail.library.ualberta.ca/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=https://webmail.library.ualberta.ca/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.ls.ualberta.ca/8rs/reports.html


> ). It is not as granular as the 8Rs survey but will provide us with some understanding of trends and issues. I will report back on findings when the data is available.



Thanks in advance for your support,

Kathleen De Long, CHRC Board Member and CLA member

University of Alberta Libraries

March 10, 2010


Next YLA Meeting


Please note the March 17 meeting has been cancelled and rescheduled for April:


Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Time: 5:15 - 6:15 PM

Place: Energy, Mines & Resources Library, Suite 335, 300 Main Street (Elijah Smith Building)


Please RSVP and forward agenda items to Anna Pearson at anna.pearson@gov.yk.ca. Thanks and hope to see you then!




December 30, 2009


I have moved all of the agenda material from this FrontPage for 2008 and 2009 and put it into a folder which can be accessed on the right hand side of the wiki under YLA - Agenda.


Partnership Meeting - February 2010. I have attached a copy of the invitation to attend the February 23, 2010 meeting in Toronto. I have the registration program for the Super Conference 2010 that is talked about in the Partnership Meeting invitation.  It is a four day conference put on by the Ontario Library Association, February 24-27. The offer is for one YLA member to attend both the meeting and the conference for free. Please let me know if you would to look at the conference package and if you would like to attend on behalf of YLA.





Sept 18, 09

As follow-up to the Library and Archives Canada survey, since I did not receive any input from YLA members, I responded to this survey from the point of view of the EMR Library alone.  In addition, Yukon Public Libraries responded to the survey on behalf of public libraries. Aimee


Sept 11, 09

Please send me your input or comment on this page re: Sept 4th post (Library and Archives Canada survey) by the end of today/Friday September 11th.  Thanks! Aimee (aimee.ellis at gov.yk.ca)


Message from Daniel Caron

I see that LAC has just posted a message from Daniel Caron regarding modernization at LAC

http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/index-e.html  Maybe be useful in completing the survey.




September 4, 2009, Library and Archives Canada survey

Library and Archives Canada is conducting a brief national survey (10 questions examining the Relationship of Library and Archives Canada with Library Communities, see this document for description of survey and the questions), and would like YLA's input.  The timeline for responses is very short (deadline of mid-September). Given this short deadline, I am requesting that you comment on this wiki and/or send your responses to me (aimee.ellis at gov.yk.ca) by September 11th, and I will compile the responses into a single YLA response. I will share the compilation here, then send it on to "Partners in Access" (the consultant conducting the survey).  Thanks all, Aimee.


 October 3, 2008

Press Release

September 29, 2008

The tenth Northern Exposure to Leadership Institute (NELI) will be held in Emerald Lake, British Columbia, from February 26th to March 3rd, 2009.

The Institute's mission is to assist professional librarians to develop, strengthen, and exercise their leadership skills so that they may be better equipped to formulate, articulate, and achieve the future changes required by libraries into the 21st century.

Based on the premise of experiential learning, the Institute includes group and individual exercises, as well as the opportunity to learn in conversation with mentors, who have been chosen for their own leadership skills, and who will be participating as volunteers.

Northern Exposure will target 24 librarians who have a desire to develop their leadership potential, received their library degrees generally within the past seven years, and a minimum of two year's professional library experience.

Individual nominations will be welcomed from a variety of sources, including employers, associations, library schools and the corporate information sector. Nominees will be asked to supply a one-page resume, a one-page synopsis of achievements, career goals, and expectations for the Institute, as well as a one-page description, employer or nominator validated, of a leadership opportunity to be made available to the nominee in the year subsequent to the Institute. Those chosen as participants must secure funding to cover a registration fee and transportation costs to Calgary. Meals, accommodation, as well as the programme and learning materials will be provided.

See: http://www.ls.ualberta.ca/neli/index.html for 'Description' and 'Nomination Criteria'.

Nominations must be received by November 30, 2008.


For more information contact:

Ernie Ingles,

Executive Director,

Northern Exposure to Leadership Institute,

c/o 5-07 Cameron Library,

University of Alberta,

Edmonton, Alberta,

Canada, T6G 2J8

Tel: 780-492-5170

Fax: 780-492-7925

Email: ernie.ingles@ualberta.ca





Canadian Library MonthSept. 15, 2008


My response to Aimee's proposals is as follows.

1. I agree. In a small jurisdiction like the Yukon, we need to be inclusive or we will not have a strong association. I think YLA could also be expanded to include library board members, people who work in community or NGO libraries, school librarians, and perhaps even interested public. As we know, there are a lot of people out there who love our libraries, and it would be great to be able to call on them when we need political or other support.

2. I am in agreement that we should join The Partnership. I don't see a downside to joining, and there are a lot of advantages.

I am not in agreement that we need more meetings unless there is some very specific, practical reason for a meeting. We live in an internet age, and it makes sense to have a virtual association. This will save us all a lot of time, and we won't be leaving people out because they can't make it to a meeting. I am still in favour of using a Wiki rather than sending around emails. Using a Wiki is dead easy, and I would be glad to give a phone seminar to anyone who needs help with it.

The thrust of Stephen Abrams talk was to challenge us to be pro-active. If we each initiate or get involved in only 1 project, then stuff will happen.


Margaret Donnelly


September 11, 2008

A copy of the e-mail I sent to Yukon library/information workers:

First off, an “FYI”:  Clara Rutherford (from the Yukon Archives) and I, under the banner of YLA, are working on bringing the Hollywood Librarian film to Whitehorse in October for Canadian Library Month.  Dates and times are not finalized yet. We will keep you posted!


I have two proposals to put forth for approval:

1. That we designate all Yukon library and information workers (in all library/archives/information positions) and all Yukon students studying library science (at the college or university level) as members of the Yukon Library Association, if they so desire.


2. That we (YLA) officially join the Partnership, effective immediately.  I was a guest at their last meeting (August 2008) as I was in the area.  They would like us to join. There are no membership dues and no formal bylaws or membership requirements for the Partnership.  In order to join the Partnership, all we have to do is agree to join.  There are no financial or paperwork requirements.

Benefits for YLA if we join the Partnership:

- networking with the national library community at a grass-roots level (i.e. provincial/territorial)

- give a voice to Yukon library issues on the national stage

- reduced costs for Education Institute/EI courses for all YLA members

- reduced costs for postings by all YLA members at the Partnership's national job board

- royalties for YLA (for all EI courses taken by YLA members and all jobs posted by YLA members)

General notes:

the Partnership is generously subsidized by the Ontario Library Association/OLA.  As such, the Partnership/OLA will assist with partial travel and accommodation costs for each member association to send a representative to one of the two meetings held annually in Toronto (the two meetings are usually held in August and January).


Please “reply to all” by Tuesday September 16th with your thoughts, comments, questions, and suggestions re: the above two proposals. 

If you do not wish to be a member of YLA and/or you don't want to continue to receive these e-mails, please "reply to all” so we can each remove you from our respective YLA e-mail list/group.

Please feel free to share this with anyone I may have missed. If I have included you by mistake, please let me know.

Thanks, Aimee


September 2, 2008

 The future of YLA

 Is there interest in the Yukon Library community to revive YLA?  So far our efforts to create a virtual library association through a Wiki or Facebook have received very little response.



Personally, I think it would be great if YLA could be revived and work on projects such as:

     - organizing an event/conference for October 2009 (during Canadian Library Month), including guest speakers from both inside and outside of the Yukon (there is strong interest from outside guest speakers who would love to visit and speak in Yukon)

-  screen "The Hollywood Librarian" this fall (perhaps in conjunction with Yukon Film Society?)    

 - share information about the challenges that we face and how we solve them ... we can avoid each of us re-creating the wheel   

     - formally join "the Partnership" so that we can participate nationally in library-related issues/events.  Revenue generation for YLA (from Education Institute courses YLA members take) could be used for professional development for members, or potential scholarships for Yukon library or library tech. students. Other?      

     - and I am sure there are many other reasons for us to revive YLA.  What do you think? How can you contribute towards a vibrant and active Yukon Library community?



I believe very strongly that we should work together and share our experiences and knowledge.   I am happy to work hard towards this goal, if others believe it is worthwhile.  Aimee



Please respond to this question by whatever means you would like (wiki, facebook, other).


Sept 2, 2008

Thanks to Clara Rutherford for this information.  The Association of Canadian Archivists will be meeting in Whitehorse in 2012.






Our first topic of discussion is facebook vs wiki where do you stand?  Please add your comments at the bottom of this page.


In order to add comments you must first click on the edit button at the top of the page and when you are finished adding to the wiki click on save in the lower left corner.



 YLA Wiki vs Facebook - your comments



Hi All, I just uploaded a pdf of the feedback document. You can find it here:   Library guest speaker 2008 feedback.pdf   Aimee


August 6, 2008: I have created a page about the upcoming meeting of "The Partnership" in Toronto.  Aimee


August 12, 2008


EMR Library is featured in a chapter written by Aimee Ellis in a book which has just been launched at IFLA called Reaching out – Innovations in Canadian libraries. The chapter is titled "SKYLINE - finding a needle in a haystack: the Yukon EMR Library's online aerial photograph search tool". More information can be found at http://www.lac-bac.gc.ca/whats-new/013-352-e.html (general release) and http://www.lac-bac.gc.ca/whats-new/013-353-e.html (Governor General receiving 1st copy)

CBC North radio did an excellent interview with Ken Roberts (President of CLA) on August 11th about IFLA.


Tune in to CBC radio tomorrow morning, Thursday August 14th, to hear Aimee Ellis being interviewed about IFLA http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla74/index.htm and about the above book which was launched at this conference.


Free webinars

For tips and tricks on getting started, sign up for one of our free introductory webinars. You can also view a recording of our popular webinar, PBwiki 101: Your Guide to Wiki Basics.


Business users

Get help launching your wiki by downloading our best practices white paper, The Seven Essentials of Successful Wikis.


Visit our demo wikis for hands-on learning:

Academic and Personal Users

Free recorded webinar: PBwiki for librarians and educators

Comments (5)

Pam Walden said

at 10:47 am on Aug 1, 2008

Hi Tanya Thanks for setting up a wiki and thanks for the invite to join too. I've used wikis at school for collaborating on group projects and they're a really useful tool. Pam

Aimee said

at 2:36 pm on Aug 1, 2008

Thanks for setting this up Tanya. I don't think it matters how we communicate, as long as we actually do communicate. Facebook, a wiki, other, they all work. I have no idea what will work the best. I am very curious to see how we progress with these YLA revival attempts. Aimee

Margaret Donnelly said

at 4:18 pm on Aug 1, 2008

I quite the Wicki. It seems more professional than Facebook, and I think there will be less concerns about people accessing it at work. Margaret

Aimee said

at 4:04 pm on Sep 5, 2008

Hi All, A comment was posted on the facebook page for The Partnership that got me thinking (posting: http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=36132141528&topic=4682 ) .... there is a lot of talk about "they", and I think we could make a lot more progress if we started thinking from a "we" perspective instead of a "they" perspective. We can accomplish lots if we take ownership, "we" could be well on "our" way ...

Margaret Donnelly said

at 9:48 am on Mar 30, 2010

Meg Horn is looking for someone who would like to make a little money by creating a bibliography for the "Partnering for Success Summit Report". They have collected items from EMR Library and from a number of other places and would like to ensure that there is a list of the reports that were used for the analysis phase. She cannot give a figure quite yet, but "they will not be stingy". Their main researcher/writer has quite a bit of the material and has cited a number of the items in his excellent presentation at the Summit. Let Meg know if you are interested. meg.horn@northwestel.net 668-3630

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